Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Three alterizations in Washington

Three changes I think should be made in Washington that should first claim the attention of whomever wins the presidency are: taxes, our troops and gas prices. I believe that if high income tax payers paid a higher tax rate, then most people would probably have money in their pockets. If our troops were pulled out of the war, then they would be able to spend more time with their families and their families would not have to worry about them getting "their heads blown off." Besides, I think they have seen enough people dying and countries being ruined. I think that maybe if the oil companies were taxed a high rate, then maybe, just maybe, the gas prices would go down...a couple of cents, but every cent makes a difference. I am not really a political person, but these are the changes that I feel are important since many people are in debt nowadays and many people are worried about their loved ones at war. Who wouldn't be? Who does not agree these things are vital?? Money problems are all around and are causing quite a difficult time at the moment.

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