Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Opinion of Obama's and McCain's running mates' exposure

After doing quite a bit of internet surfing, I believe that John McCain's running mate, Sarah Palin, is receiving the most media coverage. As soon as I logged onto and the headline stories had something to do with Sarah Palin and her 17-year old daughter, Bristol's(weird me), pregnancy with boyfriend, Levi Johnston. Then, after all of the "Palin coverage" was an article or three about Obama and his running mate, Joe Biden. I did not see too much coverage about Joe Biden, but I have seen a few articles about him(and Obama) at and . (Of course these head stories/ side stories were subject to change being that I looked for the VP media coverage like 3 days ago.). Personally, I think part of Palin's coverage is because of her daughter's early pregnancy. I guess "scandals" keep the critics raving. The Republican party says that Bristol and her boyfriend are going to get married like that is going to solve anything. That is only going to put more tension on them because they are still young. I do not comprehend how Palin is promoting abstinence and is against birth controls and sex ed, but yet her daughter is now another publicized statistic. Ok, Bristol is pregnant....can we move on and talk about other important political stuff? She's just another teenage pregnancy statistic. Not that I do not feel for her, but I am just saying. I do not understand how Palin can pose for the covers of OK! and US magazine and be such a hypocrite. This may not be the only reason Sarah Palin is receiving more attention than Joe Biden, but I think she is receiving way too much at the moment.

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